Pages and loving it

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Save the Philippine seas

Save the Philippine Seas!

Our beautiful and diverse marine resources and wealth need you attention and your help. They are under attack. 

Exploitative foreign films, in tandem with local partners and left unchecked by irresponsible governement officials areillegally harvesting and peddling our precious coral reefs. In one case, coral reefs twice the size of Manila was destroyed, and the plunder continues.

We cannot accept this. We must act now to save what's left of our coral reefs and to protect our seas so those beautiful and important natural resources are preserved for our and the next generation to enjoy. 

We call on all Filipino bloggers, Tumblr and Posterous users, Tweeps, Plurkers and all netizens to join the June 8 International Blog Action Day to save our seas and coral reefs. Your voices, our actions are that important.

What we will do:

  • Tweet, Plurk, or post to spread the word about this event: Share or repost this announcement (and please link back to this post).
  • Use the Twitter hashtag #reefwatchPH and/or #savePHseas.
  • Spread the URL.
  • Display and share our official campaign badge (see below).
  • Register your website/blog to let us know that you’re joining our effort to spread the word — you’ll find the registration form on the sidebar of this site. If you’re using more than one site (no Facebook or Twitter URLs, please), register each of them separately.
  • Most importantly, on June 8, join the Blog Action Day from your favorite social media channels (blog, Tumblr, Posterous, Twitter, Plurk, Facebook, etc.)

We can do this. Let's make our social media work for something good. Let's make Philippine coral reefs, seas and the need to save them trend- to raise awareness, to inspire action, to grow our communities, and to compel government action. 

We wouldn't want to let this beauty die. 


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