Pages and loving it

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Plaid and loving it.

Basically, I've thought about creating a blog eons ago. It seemed fun and like what i usually say, i'm a "written type of person" and not the verbal type. I express my ideas better when i write them. hahaha
But i never expect to write something that would be interesting enough to classify this blog as a general interest blog. Also, a blog full of links would just be plain boring and it definitely defeats the purpose of the whole blogging thing.  

So, I finally decided to write this blog to vent out my feelings and share my experiences. Not the usual rants you read from other people though. I'm not the kind of person who complains a lot. 
What's not to love in this world? Well a lot maybe, but i'm technically happy in my situation right now, so why bother with those silly, little, random glitches in life. I'm happy with my life, and this is what this blog is all about. PEACE

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