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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reseach Congress 2011

GROUP 4A - 3C Researchers
My Bolinao girls

Just recently, We had our research congress. Hence, the formality in our outfits. But mind you, we're far from those oldies. Those outfits definitely suit us though, don't you think? We are definitely looking older physically but how about mentally? Yeah right. 
All those mitigating days surely ended with a bang. However, amidst the preparations and months of work, a lot of infirmities in our research paper occured. I'm definitely not going to tell it here though. It would be such a shame revealing our errors in the study. The girls above are my co researchers dealing with the study on the "Effectiveness of Music therapy in hypertension" Luckily and gladly, we have proven music therapy significant in the blood pressure reduction of our clients. Thus, we recommend all those hypertensive people out there to try music therapy in reducing your blood pressures. 
Jennifer Kaye (left), Me (center), Winjie (right)
These kids right here are my beloved groupmates. Aren't we just lovely to look at. We're as united as any group will ever be. There's a big secret in this group though that you will never know. hahaahah Well, it's quite a shocker but don't mind anyway. It's our business. :)
Jennifer Kaye, Winjie and me while goofing around during our break time. We never fail to find ways to reduce the tension in events like these. 

Look closely, and see that there's a monster beside me! :)) hahaha Just kidding. That's my classmate, Raymond in his auric state, seizure precaution ahead. 

Jennifer Kaye and me. :)) 

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